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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Edzna - Yucatan Peninsula's Archaeological Site South-East of Campeche

Located in the western part of Yucatan Peninsula; Edzna also referred to as the House of the Grimaces contains hieroglyphics, main building with five floors, ballcourt and large and small acropolises. Acropolis means city on the cliff or outer edge. In the earlier times, naturally as a means of defence, the Mayan settlers chose highly elevated locations to build their cities. These citadels became centers of larger cities, which expanded on the surrounding grounds. A perfect example of this is modern Rome.

The term acropolis is also used to describe the central complex of overlapping structures, such as plazas and pyramids, in many Mayan cities, including Edzna.

The Edificio de Cinco Pisos translated as The Building of Five Floors can be found on top of the colossal Gran Acropolis. To reach the building, you will need to step-up, sixty-five stairs. You may notice that some of these stairs are engraved with hieroglyphics carbon dating back to 700 A.C. Carbon or radioactive dating is used by scientists to determine the age of archaeological artefacts. It has several testing uses in materials such as bone, wood, cloth, plant fibres, and material deposits.

As you reach the top of the Larger Acropolis you will see columns crowned by a five-room temple. During the time of zenith, defined as direction pointing directly above a particular location, one can observe astonishing network of irrigation canals criss-crossing the valley close to the Rio Champoton located approximately 20 kilometres to the west of the Acropolis. This system consists of twenty-seven water reservoirs, twenty-nine canals and over seventy man-made water cisterns. It is a mystery how these water cisterns were built, since it was discovered that neither metal tools nor the power of the wheel was used in their creation. On the eastern side of the Building of Five Floors you can go up farther 15 steps to reach Nohoch-Na (literally The Large House). It resembles a stadium with four large rooms standing on the lower base (or main room) structure. The Acropolis provides for a magnificent acoustic phenomenon. If you shout, the sound waves will turn into a near roar and resound throughout the Mayan city. In Edzna, 19 stelae were found around 670 A.D. and are proudly being displayed. On the south side of Mayan Acropolis, a Ballcourt can be found with its western stone ring intact. The Ballcourt is a field were sporting events would take place, two teams would meet and play with a ball using their hips only. The goal was to throw the ball through the stone ring located about 8 meters above ground. As you can imagine this was quite a task and surprisingly the person scoring the goal would be sacrificed to the gods (this means the goal scorer of THE WINNING TEAM). It was presumably a great honour for the person being sacrificed.

Getting there: One bus makes three daily round-trips from the market in Campeche to Alfredo Bonfil (1.5 hour ride), leaving you at the Edzna access road. Watch out not to get stranded, be sure to ask the driver about the time for the last ride back to Campeche. Make sure to carry plenty of water and insect repellent while inside Edzna's jungle surroundings. (Site open daily 8 5 p.m. with free Admission on Sundays)

Grutas de Xtacumbilxunaan:
These network of underground caves is translated as The Caves of the Sleeping Beauty; can be found approximately 27 kilometres from Yucatan-Campeche border. You can get a tour into the abyss by using a stone stairway to reach several deep cenotes filled with material deposits called ceiba. The illuminated areas inside of the caves point to several rock formations which look like a flying eagle, a puppy with huge sad eyes and a hanging mop. If you like me love rock climbing, a two-day tour is organized with local guides who can take you 150 metres underground to experience seven interconnected cenotes. You must bring your own climbing equipment to transverse and climb these underground sink-holes. Getting to Grutas de Xtacumbilxunaan is easy, they are right on the carretera federal 261, about 30 kilometres north of Hopelchen and 8 km south of Bolonchen. You can drive or take a second-class bus which drops you right at the access road. (Open daily 8-5)

Right now, you can own a OWN CONDO PROPERTY in MAYAN RIVIERA, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. use it as home-base and explore parts of Yucatan Peninsula such as Edzna. The best thing is that this condominium can be rented out as a vacation spot and generate income to off-set your mortgage payments. Financing is available.

Tomek W. Copyright ©

My name is Tom Witek. I have completed Bachelor of International Business and Master of Arts degrees from Carleton University. I participated in various university exchanges which enabled me to travel and admire many places in the world. I, especially, have a high regard for the history of Mexico. I have visited many cities and beaches in Mexico. I currently work in real estate, selling residential and condominium properties in Ottawa and Mexico. I currently live in Ottawa, Canada.

For more articles you can visit my archived articles at ARCHIVED ARTICLES.

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